The PainFree Experience

On this amazing event, a taster of The PainFree Method, many have even become pain free and started healing on the call. 

From simple headaches, worries, stresses, tensions all the way to long term or chronic conditions, The PainFree Method starts working as soon as you use it.

You’ll learn – 

✔️ How to start healing with the 4 simple actions that get you pain free.

✔️ Understand what blocks and stops you healing so you can continue to heal.

✔️ Know how healing works so you’ll always know the right things that help you and stop doing things that don’t!

On this 60-minute group call on zoom, you’ll be fully supported and guided by Althea Finch, The PainFree Specialist.

You don’t need to share any private details or anything about your condition on the call unless you want to, you’ll still be able to get the most from this call.

Deborah said "I didn't think it would work for my level of pain". Suffering with arthritis for 16 years and not much cartilage left between the bones, she was in absolute agony - "I wanted the see if the PainFree Method would work for me. I felt the difference THAT DAY! In the moment. Waking up the next day and not having that level of pain. Not having to take that level of really, really heavy pain meds. It was a shift instantly. I could feel it."

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